The Sector Education and Training Management Information System

The Sector Education and Training Management Information System (SETMIS) is a unit record based information system that stores and maintains unit records of Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) data related to skills education and training, including participating employers, providers, assessors, learners and skills education and training. Further SETMIS stores and maintains unit records of SETA data related to skills demand, including all employers, sectors and occupations. The data content of SETMIS is primarily maintained and supplied by SETAs by means of electronic data submission files that are extracted in standard formats and transmitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) to be loaded into SETMIS.
  1. Related standards and documents
    SETMIS file specification
    SETMIS file specification lookup values
    SETMIS STATSSA area code search
    SETMIS last school attended EMIS number search
    SETMIS MR submission schedule
    SETMIS NSDP 2030 Template
    SETMIS Specification Templates

    File naming convention
    File naming convention ETCBIS and file identifiers
    Submission processing and archiving standard
  2. EDUktiV
    EDUktiV Installation (Windows 32-bit)
    EDUktiV Installation (Windows 64-bit)
    EDUktiV Update
    EDUktiV License Application
    EDUktiV Manual
  3. EDUktiV Support Videos

  4. Other documents

  5. Contact Details

    Tel: (012) 312 5107

    Fax: (086) 298 9738

    Email: /