The Higher Education and Training Management Information System

  1. Environment Subsystems
    These are systems that run outside of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) but contain critical, fundamental information required by the HETMIS.
  2. Integral Internal Operational Subsystems
    These are internal operational and transactional systems that are used by operational units in the DHET to complete operational work processes.
  3. Strategic Reporting Systems
    These are strategic sector level systems that collate data from environmental or operational subsystems to compile strategic and perfomance information for a specific sector of the DHET.

    This includes data sourced from the following types of data warehouses:

    Education and Training Management Information System (CETMIS)
    Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS)
    Higher Education Quality Committee Information System (HEQCIS)
    Private College Education and Training Management Information System (PCETMIS)
    Skills Education and Training Management Information System(SETMIS)
    Technical and Vocational Education and Training Management Information System (TVETMIS)

    The overall vision for HETMIS is to coordinate and collect the supply-side data from all post-school entities, institutions and information systems, into an integrated central information system to serve the DHET and the country. In addition, HETMIS will collect data from the SETAs into a central system at strategic reporting level that will include information on skills demand in the country from the Sector Skills Plans and information on skills development and training that has taken place.
  4. Related standards and other documents
    Core Principles for HETMIS
    File naming convention
    File naming convention ETCBIS and file identifiers
    Submission processing and archiving standard